Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Well kids, another day passed in BMT land and believe it or not I'm still alive and kickn'.
I promised #'s today regarding my progress so here goes:

Normal Values:

Platelets (PLTS) 150K - 400k
White Blood Cells (WBC) 4.0 - 11.0
Hematocrit (HCT)(Red Blood Cells) 37 - 50

My current values:

PLTS @ 66k
WBC @ 2.2
HCT @ 35.1

Considering we started with Zero on Day + 1 and we are where we're at on day +21, I'm pleased with the progress. It's been an extremely painful process but we're gettn' there!
Oh by the way, I'm moving today into new digs...nothing too exciting - just down the block in the same housing complex - E UNIT. I'll be sharing with another sucker er, I mean survivor. I also requested to initiate real vittles for the first time in weeks so we'll see how that goes too. We're still hoping to move into my temporary digs - which are located across the street - by the end of this week. I feel like such a gonad...nomad being bounced around Stanford U.
My new address is: E-UNIT / Room/bed #38a / Phone #650.498.3213. I requested the window bed and was granted my wish! Hopefully I wont be there for long.
Well kiddos, I bes' be gettn' to my new view. To all best wishes and above all....stay healthy!



Unknown said...


Clearly you're feeling better...man will you have a story to tell, and pictures too right?? :)

Nice thoughts Curt,


Anonymous said...

Hi Curt,
I have been checking out your blog. I am so glad that you are on the road to getting better. We miss you at French. Take care and keep up with the humor.

Anonymous said...

HI Curt,
Glad you're getting to know the neighborhood, stay in the safe sections...and you will soon be a Stanford Grad!! RIGHT ON for scoring the bed near the window! To higher counts soon,Judith

Anonymous said...

Hi curt glad to have the blog and be able to keep up with you and pray for you everyday. I wanted to share very exciting news. That i hope makes you smile. Jason and i are having a baby GIRL!! We couldn't be happier and are so excited. Hope this find you well as can be expected. Love ya, Abby

Anonymous said...

Hey Curt,
Hope no news is good news! Keep on trucking on the exercycle and I trust that you are busy getting better fast as you can. We are hopping for our last big hurrah Labor Day wkend up here in the mtns. Cheers, Judith