Thursday, November 6, 2008

Good AM one and all!! It's Thursday AM and if things go as planned - as I anticipate they will - then I should be blessing you all with me presence tomorrow eve. I'll believe it when it happens.

I want to take this opportunity to thank all those involved during my health scare over this last year. Remember it's still not over and I still have roughly another year of rebuilding all I've lost (weight, strength etc..). Once again I couldn't have done this without the unselfish generosity of all those who participated in my healing - physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.

Robyn, thank you for sacrificing your time and energy. It means alot to me and my family. We are great full for all you've done.

Ma, I thank you for your sacrifices too. Even though we tested each others patience at times, it's all been well worth it.

To all my surrogate keepers - Heather, Paula, Brently, LizAnn and kids are awesome and I'll always owe you a debt of gratitude.

I look forward to seeing you all and apologize to any I may have left out. Stay strong and above all, stay healthy!!


The journey has come to an end

Hi everyone, it's Robyn entering my last post. Corey and I are going up to Stanford today to bring Curt home tomorrow. Curt has an ITA appt in the morning and we meet with the Dr. in the afternoon to go over his restrictions and how he is going to embark on his new life.

We got on this roller coaster a year ago this month and as Curt and I have discussed numerous times; we could have never imagined what the next year would hand us. Life is full of surprises and it's not about what you're dealt but how you handle the hand. Curt has handled this diagnosis with incredible courage and grace. He has been humbled by our friends compassion and support and has had his strength tested beyond what most people would even be able to imagine. All with an amazing attitude and never ending sense of humor. I've been honored to be able to take this journey with him. Curt and I have known each other since 1990, but it became crystal clear why we were brought together at this time in our lives. God's timing is perfect.

I want to thank Heather Griczen, Brent Cavendar, Don McGill & LizAnn Engelhard for giving up their weekends and taking time off work to be with Curt on the weekends that I was with my son. I'd also like to thank Mary Wesnosky, Eric Meader, Dave Sneed and again Brent Cavendar for taking 4 days of cat/house duty on the weekends I was with Curt. Curt was lucky enough to have a match in the family (Cris); a same sex match which we have now learned makes his full recovery chances less risky. His mother's availability to be the primary caregiver to Curt this last 60+ days allowed me to continue to work and support Curt, Corey and I; a luxury that most families don't have when dealing with this type of situation. Curt's brother Cole has continued week after week to maintain Curt's landscaping business on the weekends (Curt still can't work for another year). Curt has been able to keep his house and not file bankruptcy due to the support of the above mentioned friends and family. And last but definitely not least, I want to thank my son. Corey has displayed such compassion and concern for Curt that makes me proud every single day. He has been there to help where ever and whenever he's needed and without being asked. He has been my angel during these last 93 days and I could have NEVER made it through this without him.

No one knows what the future will bring, but this year has taught me to never take anything for granted and keep my priorities straight.

God bless to all that have cared enough to keep up on Curt's progress~
