Monday, August 25, 2008

This should be interesting today because I'm typing minus my left ring finger because it's taped up with an electronic device to monitor my O2/heart beats per minute. Other than that all is basically the same 'ol x2.
The latest addition to my medicinal repertoire is a rinse - consisting of a very small amount of cocaine, aiding in the constriction of blood vessels which helps reduce the painful effects of my oral issues - lesions on both sides of tongue as well as underneath, lesions on both cheeks and the continual shedding of cells from my esophagus and mouth. Admittedly I appear to be doing much better but as I have said over and over, looks can be deceiving.
True the outside appearance is much improved but unfortunately it's what's on the inside that still burns like a son of a gun! Oh well, it's all part of the fun - YEEHAW!
My numbers continue to climb which is what we're aiming for. I'll have numbers by 'morro for those who are keeping track.
Well kids, I'm not much for writing this pm and on top of that I'm just plain tarred. Until next time I torture you with my lack of witticisms and writing skills, I bid you adieu. Stay healthy.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Leslie Wilson Corsbie said... idea what those people are talking about.
Soooooooooooo glad to see you posting; not that Roommate Robyn isn't fully appreciated, but we miss you dammit.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

bokumbickies and seats

Anonymous said...
