Saturday, August 30, 2008

Good evening to one and all. Tonight my writings are a wee bit later than usual (1950 hrs). But as the 'ol saying goes, better late than never.
Today has been a long day. It seems I've waisted most of the day in bed aslumber - which aint such a bad thang because we all know how much wees love to sleep. Problem being is that I slept through breakfast, which is really no loss considering what the menu has to offer.
Last I wrote I said I had requested "real food". Well the real food menu is as follows:
Bowl of broth
Cup of tea
You've gotta start somewhere. The issue I wasn't prepared for was my stomach wasn't used to real food so with every loving sip of vittle came out in a furry of spittle. It's sooo amazing how little one can have in ones stomach can produce. I believe I upchucked more than that famous upchucking woodchuck - a story yet to be proved! That my friends was yesterday and I may say today is another day. Stomach's more settled and I can eat most of my tray - food that is.
Me madre is in the hood and is visiting daily. We now have secured the housing across the street. Unfortunately I left the address/phone# in my room but rest assured I'll get it in the next insert. As for vacating my current housing supposedly I'll be out of here on Tuesday and in the new housing as long as everything remains status quo.
I took a nice long walk today including setting foot outside and enjoyed sitting in the shade and admiring the incredible gardens that draw you up to the front of Hospital. I was accompanied by me madre and a dear friend Paula who happens to work here at Stanford and drops in to check on me on a regular basis for a friendly game of Cribbage and Yahtzee. I admit it took a bit out of me walking back to my room. It still amazes me how weak my body still is even though my brain says I'm ready to run and play and cuddle with Robyn - with whom I miss daily.
Well kids, It's that time again to mosey on back. A nurse just came by to tell me she needs me back in my room to draw blood.
I miss you all and appreciate all the comments more than I can express. On that note, to all the staff at French - I thank you for all you have done to get me here and will never forget your love and respect you gave me and hopefully I to you. Abby - congrats and your news brought a tear. Brently- what's with the obsession with pictures LOL. To those I inadvertently left out much love to you and all your well wishes.


1 comment:

Leslie Wilson Corsbie said...

Hi cute thing,
Only you could make me laugh about "spittling" your broth. Thanks for keeping us updated because.......basically we're nozeee. ;-)
I'll take pics when I'm there for Brent and he can shut up about pics. He was holding down the fort at Cornerview the other rest assured, some things never change.
Love ya' lots and lots.