Friday, August 8, 2008

Today has not been a good day. Before this whole thing started we were told that this would be worse than anything Curt has already gone through and I honestly didn't think that was possible. Well it is! The best way it's been described to me is a butterfly. A butterfly lives in a cocoon and sheds his cocoon to become a butterfly. Curt is in the shedding stage; he's shedding all of the old Curt cells and replacing them with new ones to become a beautiful new butterfly. His mouth is so soar and swollen he can barely talk or be understood. We are not encouraging him to talk unless he needs something. This is the hardest thing I've had to watch with him so far. It's heartbreaking seeing him in so much pain; knowing there is nothing I can do about it but hold his hand. He does have a PAC (patient automated control) for his pain and he can hit it 3-4 times an hour. At first the doses weren't high enough for him but they have upped the dosage and he seems a little more comfortable. Evidently this will last several days and I'm praying that he will be on the upward swing before I have to leave on Sunday.

Keep praying for us~

Roommate Robyn


Anonymous said...

Lucy and I are thinking about you every single second.


Anonymous said...


I changed Lucy's name to Lucille (like B. B. King's guitar).


Anonymous said...

I'm Curt's bro Cris, the one who donated the stem cells that'll hopefully get him back in shape. And here's how it was explained to me when I drove down to Stanford every day for 5 days for shots of Neupogen (to make me overproduce stem cells so they could hook me up on the 5th day for 4 hours to harvest those extra stem cells out of my body for Curt's operation): Curt's immune system is almost destroyed so my healthy one can kick its ass and replace it and keep his cancer at bay. So, in effect, his body is going to do whatever it can to keep the intruder (me) out, and that is why he's gonna be in a world o' hurt for awhile. When you have a fever or stuffed nose, that's your body fighting off foreign invaders; now imagine if your body's not just fighting off a bug, but a whole system. It'll all be OK tho, cuz I'm bigger, stronger, handsomer, and smarter than Curt, so I ALWAYS won (and win) our fights (and jeez did we fight too much as kids....). Maybe he'll even inherit my obvious modesty!