Monday, October 6, 2008

Greetings one and all! Once again I begin this posting with "It's been awhile since I've written anything..." Where to start?
Well I seem to be moving along to the Doc's expectations aside from not keeping my weight in check - I was loosing instead of gaining this last week but today I'm pleased to report I've gained a lb or two since Friday. Truth be known that isn't saying much since I'm only back up to approx 148ish. Discipline me boy, discipline!
A few w/e's ago my friend Brently came up to care for me for a few days which was pleasant. We spent a good portion of the w/e playing Cribbage and Bones (Dominoes), and watching/discussing the debate. What a maverick he is! Brent left Sunday to be replaced with me Madre. Ma and I had a very nice week per standard. Once again I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for all you generous souls who have sacrificed your blood, sweat, tears and time (both physical and mental) towards my cause. I THANK YOU ALL!!
Speaking of generous souls, this last w/e me sweetie came up and we had a very eventful time. Saturday we drove out to Half Moon Bay to watch day three of the LPGA world championships. It was nice to be out in the public forum although it did take alot out of me with all the walking from hole to hole. I was definitely exhausted by the end of it but it was all worth it. I slept well that pm.
On Sunday we toured the campus near the Hoover? tower and the gardens that surround the family church. The weather was perfect for us two lovebirds. We decided we have much more to explore next time.
Changing course for a at the ITA I have been officially downgraded to just two times a week from my previous three days. Progress kids, progress.
It looks like it's time to get something in me gut so on that note I will close for now. Wishing you all the very best in life and health.



Anonymous said...


You're the maverick...toting purses and that cool air filtration contraption on your face, keeping it real and the ladies were staring atya my man foawshur...

When everyone else makes a run at being all trendy trying to keep up witya, you'll have already moved on to some other mavericky thing cuzz that's your style, being the mavericky maverick that you are. Is Goose back there getting a read on this bird?

For those playing the drinking game, bottoms up four times officially. :)

How are your taste buds coming along buddy? Are things still tasting like plastic? Have you tried any new foods with any luck since I saw you?


mhuckell said...

Hi Curt -- This is Marci, your former hairdressing client (back in my college days) and Tara's former roommate. Well, now I'm living in Roseville (outside of Sacramento) and Tara turned me on to your blog. I figured that I should give you a shout out as I started reading your blog right before you went in for the procedure. I just checked back and wanted to say "hi" as I was starting to feel like an online stalker. Sorry about that whole BMT "thang", but I am so happy to see that you are coming through it successfully. Your entries are informing me as well as cracking me up -- just as I remember you. Well, know that I will be checking your blog and sending you my super positive, healthy vibes. Love, Marci