Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Howdy all from the lovely town of Palo Alto. I've only been here a couple 'o days and its already been quite interesting. Following is a brief summary of events from 20 July to the present.

Arrived @ Motel approximately 1230 am - up at 0515 for initial appointment scheduled for 0600 to remove Portacath from chest and replace it with a Hickline. For those of you who are not familiar with the Portacath, it was the lovely protrudence on my right breast (also known as my "third nipple") that served a multitude of functions: draw blood, administer chemo, general annoyance for me and just plain fun to freak people out with. In conjunction with the removal of my Ommaya resevoir on 18 July aka the "bump on my head," my body was finally free of foriegn objects for the first time in a long time and I was one happy cancer er, I mean camper! The bliss was short lived though due to the insertion of my newest toy, my Hick line. The Hick line consists of a single tube that divides into two additional tubes and hangs out of my right breast falling freely to my waist. Through this device I will receive my meds and Bone Marrow.

At this time I would like to take this opportunity to thank my brother for his generous contribution to my cause and I will always be greatful.

The Hick line surgery went well and I was awake/coherent throughout the whole procedure. Thank god for the presurgery shots for pain! Unfortunately the pain didn't get my memo about staying away because as the day progressed - so did the pain. More on that later. The whole procedure lasted approximately 45" which allowed me to jump up to attend my next appointment in radiation.

I'll have to take a break for now 'cus I gotsta go to my next appointment for today. Until then...be healthy.

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