Thursday, October 30, 2008

Greetings one and all! Today is Thursday 30, Oct and I just finished drinking in two full units of blood. How apropos for the impending holiday. I guess you all can figure out what I'm going to be for all Hallows Eve? A survivor!!
Regarding surviving...the Staff is pleased with me progress as of late. I've put on weight, eating much better (taste buds are cooperating) and am drinking more.
As the last entry read I did have a bone marrow biopsy last week and a PET scan on Tuesday - both procedures came back with flying colors...or are the flying colors due to all the drugs? I kid, I kid. In other words all clear of any cancers or irregularities. Great news for sure. As I write this I have an appointment on Monday next for the usual lab draws and weekly x-ray and meet with my Doctor on Friday next to discuss going home. Not 90 days and not 100 days but somewhere in between. I'll believe it when I see it. I do look forward to getting back to the homestead and familia.
Well blog hounds it's presently raining outside (nothing too heavy yet) and we need to get to the store. Thanks again for caring and I look forward to seeing you all again soon. Until well.


Side note: Lizanne (sp), Thanks for allowing me to be your "Stanford campus guide" last weekend and for the field trip into the SF to the exhibit at Golden Gate park...and of course Cribbage.


Anonymous said...


Got your blog from Rich when I saw him in clinic. I have been getting updates on the side from my friends in the ITA and look foward to you coming home soon !! Keep up the great work !!

J Malone, MD

Anonymous said...

We are so glad to hear all is going so well! Sounds like you'll be home for the holidays and with some taste buds too! Wonderful!
Dana and John Fiore

Anonymous said...

Curt I am so glad to hear that you are doing well! You are never far in my thoughts and always in my prayers. And home for the holidays too! Who could ask for more.....
ABC Janice

Anonymous said...

Hello, Curt's sister here, spoke to Curt last night and it looks like he's coming home this weekend, yeah! Speaking on behalf of the Lowgren family we just wanted to say "THANK YOU" to everyone who was there for Curt with their unconditional love and support. We know its been a very long hard road for him, as well as his friends and family. We all truley appreciate everything everyone has done in helping Curt get through this last year. And we know Lucy will be soooooo happy to see her daddy. THANK YOU TO ALL :)

Anonymous said...

Curt, sounds like it's coming true! By the time you read this, I hope you're a hop, skip and a jump away from me in the 'hood! Blessings and strength, and we will try not to overwhelm you with welcome home parties, but knowing you, you're saying bring it on! It'll be great to have you back. Cheers, Judith